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Had to share....

Isn't she the cutest thing ever!!!!


More coming soon.....


Tiny and new.....

I was lucky enough to get to spend some time with this little beauty the day before I left on vacation.... what a great way to start eh!!!  :)  Loved her!!!













This is one of  my favorites... which happened on it's own!  I turned around and caught mom and baby sharing this moment!  Priceless!!!




My Gwen......

The reason I say this is because it is a constant disagreement at my house, just whose Gwen she really is... Each of us believe she is ours (meaning we don't share her with each other)!  But the truth is, she is really mine and I simply choose to share her :)  

While in Utah she turned 6 months old and well I knew I would have my best friend (who trained me in photography) there to help.   Haley took the pictures, while I did the catching and Grace stood behind the camera and made her smile!!   

You can check out my friends blog and AMAZING work here:

 Here she is... what an absolute joy she is!!!! 



me and my catching skills!!!



We enlisted her help because my mother wanted a generation picture with her mother (who is the gorgeous 86 year old in the picture) and me and my girls.   What a memory!!!    



"D" was a superstar!!!

I have done a few 2 year old in my day and they usually are my toughest clients, but then I met this little gal and well, she was just a delight!!!  Please know that I am the one who has the "spirited" 2 year old and would rather die than do his pictures..... she restored my faith in 2 year olds :)








The beautiful... Ms. "A"









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